center The "Burd's" Nest: ....on being a SAHM

Thursday, May 9, 2013

....on being a SAHM

When Quez and I made the decision to try to conceive, we also had to talk about finances and if I would work again or not. Once he came back from his deployment in February of 2012 he wanted us to catch up on lost time. I didn't work. I became the domestic engineer (I love that term. lol) of the Burd's nest. We knew we wanted to try to have a baby soon as well. Our reasoning behind the decision for me to stay home is that the likelihood that he'll be gone more than he's home is great. Both he and I felt like it wasn't fair to Sydney for both of us to possibly miss those milestones. This way, I can catch all of those special moments and share them with her daddy.

The cost of childcare is I N S A N E! If I were to work, I'd basically be paying for someone else to raise my child and that makes no sense. Also, with all of these crazies in the news lately biting children, drugging them, etc daycare scares the crap out of me. I get the "adult conversation" aspect of not wanting to be a SAHM but luckily, in the military world that won't be much of a problem. More mamas stay at home than work because of the ridiculous price of childcare so that makes for lots of play groups and mom's groups. Most churches in the area also have lots of things for the kiddos to do as well. 

Being a stay at home mom is feasible. It's not too big of a financial strain (for us, anyway). Since Quez is deployed and we're not paying rent, there's extra money right now. We're being very frugal (despite my sporadic purchases for my sweet girl) while he's gone. Quez and I are working hard to watch how much we spend and save as much as possible to pay off all debt. Hopefully we'll be completely debt free, minus my car payment, by May of 2014. That's around the time he'll be back in the states from his unaccompanied tour. So far we've paid off our king size mattress, care credit, and Walmart card. This month we'll pay off his credit card and then start on my student loans. Sallie Mae can kiss my rear. Seriously, the interest rates on those things are awful. We've done really well on sticking to the budget I write up each month. No debt means more money for my SJ's college fund. Babies are expensive, y'all! If you're wondering why I don't go anywhere or do much of anything, it's because we're trying to be all Dave Ramsey-ish and not have a butt load of debt. 

There are things we can cut out. I don't know if cable will be one of those since I think he may stroke if he doesn't have ESPN or other sports channels. I'm a Netflix and Hulu girl though. We'll cut down on our phone bills as well. Straight talk is a great option. Right now, I have Verizon and my phone bill is about $150. Expensive, very expensive, but I needed a reliable phone company and lots of data. My parents live out in the middle of nowhere in south Alabama and so the internet is not reliable and most other phone companies don't have cell phone towers that reach out here. Verizon is the best as far as service is concerned. 

I also save money by making a meal plan coinciding with what's on sale at the grocery store. When we actually live together (ha!), I typically spend close to $60-$70 per week on groceries depending on when we need toilet paper and hygiene items. I make my own laundry detergent and that costs MAYBE $3 a month. I do miss the "detergent smell" but this cleans just as well and is so much cheaper. I also make my own fabric softener. Once you buy a big ole jug of vinegar, the cost is 99 cents each time you have to make a new batch. Each batch is 4 quarts (I think) and you only use a couple of tablespoons per load so it lasts forever.

I'm excited to spend all my time with my angel girl. :)  

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