center The "Burd's" Nest: December 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012

BIG news!

There's a sweet little baby growing in my belly!!!

Talk about shocked! WHEW!

Back in July, I was 3 weeks late. We spent about $100 on tests and never got a positive. My doctor finally got me in to do a beta test. The midwife called me back the next morning to say that it was negative and that she was sending over a prescription for Provera. We were absolutely devastated. We were diagnosed with "unexplained infertility" as well. Mrs. Cynthia (my midwife) told me that if I wasn't pregnant by the end of the summer, to make an appoinment to see Dr. T again. Summer came and went and in came October. I was feeling very discouraged. We had even contacted an adoption agency to hopefully begin that process sometime soon. I made an appointment for October 29 to undergo all sorts of testing. Something in me knew that I needed to cancel it, so I did. I wanted to give myself one more month. By the grace of God, we conceived the good ole fashioned way in November! :) :) :) :) :) :)

I was supposed to start my period on December 2nd. When it was a no show, I had the mindset that it was going to be the same thing that happened to me in July. I was too scared to test. I had a regular lady business exam appointment for Dec 13 and I knew that they'd do a routine pregnancy test on me anyway so we discussed just waiting until then. Quez and I knew that getting our hopes up was dangerous. 3:30 am on December 6th, while Quez was knocked out, I couldn't take it anymore. I threw on my clothes and headed to Walmart. He had no idea I was even gone, lol. I came back and followed the directions for the test. As soon as my pee hit the test strip and before I could even sit the test down flat, it was SUPER positive. I immediately began shaking and my heart was racing. I ran into our bedroom and flipped on the lights. Quez was not happy about that. lol. Then he realized what I was saying. He CRIED in the kitchen later that evening after we told our family and friends. It finally hit him. Sweet tears. Made my heart melt.

Our family and friends' reactions were HILARIOUS!

I never thought I'd be able to conceive naturally. I just knew that we were going to have to fight like hell to have a baby of our own. God said differently. Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful blessing and for breathing life into my womb.